Then we headed down to Times Square where it's a real treat to "people watch" and we did. They were videoing "The Naked Cowboy" sitting on top of a hummer limo while it moved through the street. We saw a guy selling "Obama Condoms", a new twist on the "stimulus package".

I wanted to see where the famous New Year's Eve ball dropped and got this picture!
Then our final stop was to an Italian Restaurant called "BELLA VITA" where they served Brick Oven Pizza. I guess we must have gone to an "upscale" restaurant because the pizza was "so-so". I really wanted a slice that dripped with tomato sauce, cheese and grease! Shoulda gone to the corner pizza vendor.
Then there was this guy, I believe he was from Italy, who sat next to me. He and his wife/girlfriend were speaking what I thought to be Italian. Anyway, the table next to theirs had a freak accident where the pizza, pan and all, flipped off the holder and onto the floor right at the feet of this guy. Mind you there was pizza everywhere on the floor, but none landed on his feet or on him. The lady was apologizing profusely and offered him a napkin to clean his shoes. What else could she do? But what do you think the guy did???? He bitched because they were "$200 shoes". Well you idiot, why would you wear $200 tennis shoes to NYC??? Of course "something" would spill on it, how could it not??? I really wanted to go over to the lady who spilled the pizza and whisper "screw him AND the shoes he walked in with" but being that Jack has told me about New Yorkers, I heeded his warning and kept my mouth shut!
There is more exciting things to share but right now I'm focusing on the actual time we were in New York.