Sunday, June 28th.....we've been here since Thursday night. Have a nice apartment on the SECOND floor!!! *doing the happy dance* It could have been the fourth floor!
We have all the younger boys on our floor and two other guys (one intern and one teacher) who will help us. We should have about 15 all together. We had 5 come in yesterday and the rest today. We have one student who has flown 17 hours from Thailand, never slept and cannot walk a straight line.
Here is what it is like being the dorm parents:
first child, I forgot my key and am locked out
second child, I need an eathernet cable for my computer
third child, I lost my password information and the schedule
fourth child, here are my passports, I forgot to turn them in
then about midnight one more arrives so we get settled in and about 5:45AM I hear a knock on the door, Jack answers it and informed that the trouble is.......they cannot get onto the internet!!! It's the child who came in late and the sleep deprived student who are now awake.
Ok so he informs them that the internet is turned off from 11:00 at night till 6:00 in the morning. Jack comes back to bed....knock, knock......ok now who? It's the same two.....they locked themselves out of their room. Welcome to being a dorm parent!!
I've been able to help out with things like typing up the names of the students to be posted on their doors and took some parents down to K-Mart for them to shop for their kids. So I'm handy to have around. I've also signed up for Library duty on Thursday nights.
I'm very happy that the new eating area is done (not the main one, that's still under construction) and we don't have to eat outside in the heat, rain and mud like last year.
It's great to see so many familiar faces. Everyone is happy to be here, especially us!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Today we visited our nephew Jeffrey at his new "digs" in Woburn. He is now living at an assisted facility and doing very well. We are happy for that!
We headed over to "Joe's American Bar & Grill" in Woburn to meet up with Jack's classmates from Taft '61. "Burley" Brad Tomlinson and his wife RobbAnn, Jerry Mitchell and his wife Margaret. Oh the stories!!!

We left to go North to Maine to see our adopted sister, Suzanne. Due to lack of planning, we were not able to spend as much time with her as we wanted. But we were happy she came after working an 11 hour shift the previous night and two other two hour shifts before she met up with us. We had an enjoyable dinner then headed over to "Big Daddy's" Ice cream hut. Do you see an ice cream pattern here? My butt does!!
We headed over to "Joe's American Bar & Grill" in Woburn to meet up with Jack's classmates from Taft '61. "Burley" Brad Tomlinson and his wife RobbAnn, Jerry Mitchell and his wife Margaret. Oh the stories!!!
We left to go North to Maine to see our adopted sister, Suzanne. Due to lack of planning, we were not able to spend as much time with her as we wanted. But we were happy she came after working an 11 hour shift the previous night and two other two hour shifts before she met up with us. We had an enjoyable dinner then headed over to "Big Daddy's" Ice cream hut. Do you see an ice cream pattern here? My butt does!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Today is Tuesday (right?) I think so. We are in Woburn, MA near Allen and Johanna. We had a wonderful time with them last night. We went to eat at a local restaurant and then headed to their favorite Ice Cream place. I couldn't believe it was cold and rainy outside and the people were standing in line to get Ice Cream!!
When we were leaving we noticed a woman sitting at the front table by the window. We stopped and chatted with her as she was sketching a portrait of a soldier. The more we talked the more we learned what she was doing. She gets photos of local soldiers who have died in the war, sketches them and personally delivers them to the parents. By word of mouth the locals have found her and bring the photos and their stories to her. I grabbed her card thinking there is a website, but there is only a phone number. Here is her name and number: THE ARTISTIC TOUCH by Gina (781) 937.3835 (Regina Johnson) She truly has a gift!
It seems there is more to post, but right now I can't think of it. More later as we have a fun filled day planned.
When we were leaving we noticed a woman sitting at the front table by the window. We stopped and chatted with her as she was sketching a portrait of a soldier. The more we talked the more we learned what she was doing. She gets photos of local soldiers who have died in the war, sketches them and personally delivers them to the parents. By word of mouth the locals have found her and bring the photos and their stories to her. I grabbed her card thinking there is a website, but there is only a phone number. Here is her name and number: THE ARTISTIC TOUCH by Gina (781) 937.3835 (Regina Johnson) She truly has a gift!
It seems there is more to post, but right now I can't think of it. More later as we have a fun filled day planned.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Rain, Rain GO AWAY
It's been raining like crazy, either hard or drizzle, but nonetheless wet!! I find myself sleeping a lot so I don't have to look at the crazy people driving as fast as they can to get where they want to go. I just want to get to my destination safely!!
We stopped by The Taft School (our summer home) and dropped off some of our "stuff".

Headed north to Boston area and visited cousin Bart and family...what a great time. We never did take any pictures...what's wrong with us?
Spending the day with Jack's brother and wife, Alan and Johanna. More to report later.
We stopped by The Taft School (our summer home) and dropped off some of our "stuff".

Headed north to Boston area and visited cousin Bart and family...what a great time. We never did take any pictures...what's wrong with us?
Spending the day with Jack's brother and wife, Alan and Johanna. More to report later.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, June 21st
There have been lots of thunder showers and Tornado Warnings as we cross the country. Not used to that after all, we are from Southern California!!
To play catch up....Jack and I met up on Thursday morning to continue our travels. We went to Nebraska to see our niece, Rebecca, and her family. She is in charge of VBS and it was really fun to see all of the children enjoying themselves. They had it from 6-8:30 at night and the parents were there helping. Sounds like a great idea!!
Friday we ended up in Indianapolis to see a Dr. friend of ours, but we ended up having breakfast with him on Saturday instead. Nice to see him and catch up on his life. He said that going through a bad divorce is kinda like having a colonoscopy....AWAKE!!!
Then we headed north a little bit to South Bend to see a long time friend, Pengy and her two girls, Amy and Laura. Amy will be a junior in high school and is in the marching band. I asked her "what instrument do you play? The piano?" She got it and started laughing!! It was a delightful 2 hours, wish it was longer!!
We went through Ohio and found our FAVORITE ice cream place, HANDEL'S! Yummmmmy!

We are now in Pennsylvania (somewhere) and heading towards CT to drop off some of our stuff. Then going up to see family in Boston, Maine and New Hampshire.

To play catch up....Jack and I met up on Thursday morning to continue our travels. We went to Nebraska to see our niece, Rebecca, and her family. She is in charge of VBS and it was really fun to see all of the children enjoying themselves. They had it from 6-8:30 at night and the parents were there helping. Sounds like a great idea!!
Friday we ended up in Indianapolis to see a Dr. friend of ours, but we ended up having breakfast with him on Saturday instead. Nice to see him and catch up on his life. He said that going through a bad divorce is kinda like having a colonoscopy....AWAKE!!!
Then we headed north a little bit to South Bend to see a long time friend, Pengy and her two girls, Amy and Laura. Amy will be a junior in high school and is in the marching band. I asked her "what instrument do you play? The piano?" She got it and started laughing!! It was a delightful 2 hours, wish it was longer!!
We went through Ohio and found our FAVORITE ice cream place, HANDEL'S! Yummmmmy!

We are now in Pennsylvania (somewhere) and heading towards CT to drop off some of our stuff. Then going up to see family in Boston, Maine and New Hampshire.
Tuesday, June 16th - Nancy
Tuesday morning.....staying at Ruthie's home in Aurora, CO. So good to see a very good friend. I've known her for about 15 years. We talked constantly and enjoyed every minute of it. Our day consisted of a massage, pedicure, manicure then a wonderful dinner at Red Lobster. I REALLY needed to see her! She's better than a psychologist!!
Monday, June 15th
Took off from Grand Junction and headed towards Evergreen. Now I know why they call it Evergreen...cuz it's GREEN......light green, yellow green, dark green, green green!! So beautiful. We went off onto Route 6 around Eisenhower Tunnel and saw some even more beautiful country.
This is a ski area called Arapahoe Basin where only 5 star black diamond slopes are.

Then we headed up higher and stopped at the Continental Divide. We met two Dutch cyclists who had started a journey in San Francisco and were heading East. It was enjoyable chatting with them.
This is a ski area called Arapahoe Basin where only 5 star black diamond slopes are.
Then we headed up higher and stopped at the Continental Divide. We met two Dutch cyclists who had started a journey in San Francisco and were heading East. It was enjoyable chatting with them.
We met up with Vicki and Karley (daughter in law and grandaughter) at Historic El Rancho Restaurant ( We were the only folks there at the time because it was between lunch and dinner. The waitress knew them by name and was very sweet. Jack had a shirt with cars called Woodies. The waitress came up to him and touched his back and said "you have a Woodie on your back". Silent pause.......then we all started busting up and she realized what she said. Yeah our minds did go "there". But the best line was "Hey! You touched my Woodie!"
Later that night we enjoyed a BBQ steak dinner with Matt (Jack's son) and the family including my ya ya sister Ruthie. She moved from California to Colorado and I just had to see her! We took off to her house to spend a few days together.
Monday, June 15, 2009

We spent all day Saturday packing...cuz some stuff you just can't pack ahead! Jack packed the car up and off we went to Orange County to a friend's retirement party. Left there at 9:00 at night and headed to STATE LINE!! woo hoo I had enough players points (now there's a surprise) to get a comp'd room. We got there about quarter to1 (can you say we flew?), got checked in and off I went to play KENO. Can't say that I did that well, but I still had $$ when we left. Went back to the room about 7:00 AM and Jack was still asleep. He let me snooZe a while and we left about 10:30 and headed out.
We drove all day, going through Nevada, AZ, Utah and ending up in Grand Junction, Colorado. We stopped at Devil's Canyon in Utah, what a marvelous view! This is a shot down the throat of the canyon onto the plain where the huge rock formation is.
We are heading out soon to his son Matt's house to visit him and his family. Then my really good friend (my ya ya) will come get me and I will spend some much needed "girl" time with her till Thursday.
Taking one day at a time and enjoying every minute of it!
Friday, June 12, 2009

Can you tell we are a little excited??? I'm waiting for Jack to do his happy dance when he gets home tonight!!! I should take a picture...that would be worth a thousand words, but this jpg will do for now.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
We are about to depart for our summer trip and many of you have asked if we will make available the tracking url we had last year and the answer is YES! Here is what you do.... go to :
it will ask you for a password: w4kh
and once you've been there you don't need to re-enter the password each
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