To play catch up....Jack and I met up on Thursday morning to continue our travels. We went to Nebraska to see our niece, Rebecca, and her family. She is in charge of VBS and it was really fun to see all of the children enjoying themselves. They had it from 6-8:30 at night and the parents were there helping. Sounds like a great idea!!
Friday we ended up in Indianapolis to see a Dr. friend of ours, but we ended up having breakfast with him on Saturday instead. Nice to see him and catch up on his life. He said that going through a bad divorce is kinda like having a colonoscopy....AWAKE!!!
Then we headed north a little bit to South Bend to see a long time friend, Pengy and her two girls, Amy and Laura. Amy will be a junior in high school and is in the marching band. I asked her "what instrument do you play? The piano?" She got it and started laughing!! It was a delightful 2 hours, wish it was longer!!
We went through Ohio and found our FAVORITE ice cream place, HANDEL'S! Yummmmmy!

We are now in Pennsylvania (somewhere) and heading towards CT to drop off some of our stuff. Then going up to see family in Boston, Maine and New Hampshire.