We spent all day Saturday packing...cuz some stuff you just can't pack ahead! Jack packed the car up and off we went to Orange County to a friend's retirement party. Left there at 9:00 at night and headed to STATE LINE!! woo hoo I had enough players points (now there's a surprise) to get a comp'd room. We got there about quarter to1 (can you say we flew?), got checked in and off I went to play KENO. Can't say that I did that well, but I still had $$ when we left. Went back to the room about 7:00 AM and Jack was still asleep. He let me snooZe a while and we left about 10:30 and headed out.
We drove all day, going through Nevada, AZ, Utah and ending up in Grand Junction, Colorado. We stopped at Devil's Canyon in Utah, what a marvelous view! This is a shot down the throat of the canyon onto the plain where the huge rock formation is.
We are heading out soon to his son Matt's house to visit him and his family. Then my really good friend (my ya ya) will come get me and I will spend some much needed "girl" time with her till Thursday.
Taking one day at a time and enjoying every minute of it!