Sunday, June 28, 2009


Sunday, June 28th.....we've been here since Thursday night. Have a nice apartment on the SECOND floor!!! *doing the happy dance* It could have been the fourth floor!

We have all the younger boys on our floor and two other guys (one intern and one teacher) who will help us. We should have about 15 all together. We had 5 come in yesterday and the rest today. We have one student who has flown 17 hours from Thailand, never slept and cannot walk a straight line.

Here is what it is like being the dorm parents:
first child, I forgot my key and am locked out
second child, I need an eathernet cable for my computer
third child, I lost my password information and the schedule
fourth child, here are my passports, I forgot to turn them in
then about midnight one more arrives so we get settled in and about 5:45AM I hear a knock on the door, Jack answers it and informed that the trouble is.......they cannot get onto the internet!!! It's the child who came in late and the sleep deprived student who are now awake.
Ok so he informs them that the internet is turned off from 11:00 at night till 6:00 in the morning. Jack comes back to bed....knock, knock......ok now who? It's the same two.....they locked themselves out of their room. Welcome to being a dorm parent!!

I've been able to help out with things like typing up the names of the students to be posted on their doors and took some parents down to K-Mart for them to shop for their kids. So I'm handy to have around. I've also signed up for Library duty on Thursday nights.

I'm very happy that the new eating area is done (not the main one, that's still under construction) and we don't have to eat outside in the heat, rain and mud like last year.

It's great to see so many familiar faces. Everyone is happy to be here, especially us!